

Discover the Versatile Детская веранда тип 2 "АДАНАТ" 3D Model

Are you searching for a top-quality **3d model** to enhance your **3d interior** **design** projects? Look no further than the **Детская веранда тип 2 "АДАНАТ"** model. Produced by renowned manufacturer **АДАНАТ**, this 3D model offers exceptional detail and accuracy, making it ideal for various **3d design** applications.

Key Features of the Детская веранда тип 2 "АДАНАТ" 3D Model

The **3ds max** model boasts impressive dimensions, including a length of 600 cm, width of 340 cm, and height of 263 cm. Constructed from a blend of durable metal and wood, with a roof made of high-quality **профнастил**, this **3D model download** is perfect for creating engaging **3d room designs**.

Enhance Your Projects with the Детская веранда тип 2 "АДАНАТ" 3D Model

Whether you are designing **3d interiors** for educational institutions or children's play areas, this versatile **3d home design** model is a must-have addition to your collection. With a pivot model at the 0 mark, this 3D model offers endless possibilities for creating engaging **3d interior decor**.





